***Photo Gallery***
in the following groups:
Reginal Support Staff- RSS#1 - founder
-keeper of the day he succeeds
CIAKB- keeper of the day the last Kat Bell scene airs
FOA- Friends of Alexis
SJGA- Sonny and Jason Guardian Angels
-keeper of sonny's eternal flame for Brenda
- second keeper of their bad boy mystique
-**keeper of the day Sonny and Mike said I Love You**
Gutter Rats- GR#66
- keeper of Alexis' wish that Stefan had aimed
a little higher
The Spencer Fan Club- keeper of Luke's eternal protection of
his family
LLGA- Luke and Laura Guardian Angels
Barf Brigade- founder
- keeper of the day the crystal
tree breaks
R&S4ever- Robin and Stone forever
NCGA- keeper of Nik's ability to do a proper flirt
PCBSS- Nik's big sister keeper of his childhood
PCLSS- Sonny's little sister
GFGA- Genie Francis Guardian Angels
- keeper of her love for her husband